Monday, February 19, 2007

Little town makes the big time

I am very proud to announce that the Melon Festival held this last week in my little town has made worldwide news! And I thought Al Jazeera was typically used to broadcast threatning videos but look !!! I actually had a really great time at melon fest and even went on a float in the parade. It turns out I am not the best aim when throwing lollies to the crowd. They usually landed only 10cm away from the float. I am yet to find out if our float won any prizes in its category. We dressed up paper mache watermelons to look like hospital related people - Nurse Melon, Doctor Melon, Grandma and Grandpa Melon and Sadie the Cleaning Lady Melon to name a few. Surprisingly, the little town puts on a pretty good show for the week and I was impress with how much fun I had and would have had if I didnt have to go to work in the afternoon. (I missed seeing the melon smashing record.) But happily, I didnt manage to leave work just as all the exceedingly drunk people were starting to come in. And I discovered what an alcohol coma looks like - not pretty.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

This is the view from Bec's front door. See those mountains - waking up to that view is incredible. At least on the occasional day when it isn't raining.
The views across the Harbour to North Vancouver
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The snow at Cypress mountain a mere half hour drive from downtown Vancouver. Absolutely beautiful!

It reminded me of Narnia Posted by Picasa

The sister club back in force!!!

We got to ride on a monorail! I love monorails!! Ever since Expo '88.

Evil Stephen

Self portrait!!! Posted by Picasa

The View from the tope of the Space Needle. It doesn't get much better than that!!

Apparently Chloe thinks 'Why be normal when you can be crazy?'

The view on the other side, equally impressive but harder to look at face on due to stunning blindingness.

In front of the Experience Music Project that we decided not to go to. Posted by Picasa

This is one of my favourite photos. He named it 'Me and the mountains'.

The Seattle Space Needle. A very impressive structure indeed.

Bec and Chloe at the base of the Seattle Space Needle.

Chloe and I at the top of the Space Needle Posted by Picasa
As seen on our journey to Seattle
I just don't know what to say.
My beautiful sister who did lots of driving that day.
Bec and her man with the Seattle Harbour in the background. Posted by Picasa
This is a real functioning car we saw on the side of the road in Vancouver.
Note the running fountain INSIDE the car

There is also a fountain here on the bonnet. Posted by Picasa
The crazy people from 614 Vancouver!!
RB and Shane

Lisa from North Brisbane! (Yay for Aussies!!)
Olivia and Shannon Posted by Picasa
Andy Mac and Christina
Freakin' Joe West
Jenea and Joe West
Juanito the crazy Texican! Posted by Picasa
Me, Stephen, Bec and Chloe lost inthe background waiting for the dolphin show at the Vancouver Aquarium.
Trapped in a glass bowl in a tank. I wonder if she felt like she was in a zoo? Posted by Picasa
The cool jelly fish at the aquarium. So beautiful yet so dangerous.
Ditto. Posted by Picasa
That random stranger again just following us wherever we went.
I liked these starfish. They remind me of Spongebob Squarepants when they flash to real life stuff.
I am way too knowledgable about that show.
More cool sea creatures. I like the purple ones!
Bec with that crazy stranger. She seems to like hanging around with him. Posted by Picasa