Monday, August 28, 2006

Most days, my job is just like any other job. I try to do the work I have planned for the day, try not to get too sidetracked by the unexpected and work on getting out of there at a reasonable hour. But sometimes, my job beats most others in the REALLY BAD DAY department. That's because unlike most jobs, mine can not only pull out the really busy card but it has the ultimate trump card - life or death - which when combined with really busy makes for a top 2 bad day.
Yesterday, I had that day. Weekends are bad at work because there is no medical centre open after 11 so we get everything. So I walked into work yesterday and within 10 seconds I was sent off on a task for a patient that I knew nothing about. The shift continued with many outpatients, lots of interuptions and frequent pestering of the very unfortunate Doctor on call. We had a patient who was rapidly losing blood from her stomach and were pumping her with extra blood and fluids as fast as the machine would go (999 mls/hr for those who get how fast that is). Then in the middle of this I recieved a call from the ambulance communication centre saying that we had a patient coming in in full cardiac arrest. ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Totally freaking out. I hadn't ever witnessed an arrest and I wasn't thrilled to have my first one on one of my busiest shifts in ages. So I saw CPR in action, lots of people moving very fast, most of my patients ignored for the shift and the unfortunate ending of one life but one save with the lady who didn't bleed out on us and was airlifted to a Brisbane hospital.
Suffice to say, there are days when my job's bad days, trump yours.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Well it's finally over. Holidays have been and gone for this year and I am heading home. It's been great. I have seen so many of you and that has been wonderful. I have accomplished many things and now its back to regular life. So until next time, ciao!

Friday, August 18, 2006

I don't really have much to write but I think it's time for a new post anyway. I think for this post, I would like to make it all about you. So tell me, what have you been doing lately to occupy your days? List 5 things. I will start.
1.Hanging out with family - WAY FUN!!
2.Catching up with friends who I haven't seen for ages
3.Reading some books
4.Sleeping in
5.Listening to good tunes

Your turn ...

Monday, August 07, 2006

So it has taken me 7 tries to get this on here because I kept accidently deleting the photos when trying to format the page. Blogger sucks! Meanwhile in other news....

Photo 1: Me!
Photo 2: Me and housemate Sarah
Photo 3: Chloe, me, Sarah and Elise (work friend)
Photo 4: ME!!
Photo 5: Me and Chloe ... Lookin' GOOD!!!!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

My response to last post's comments was too long to comment so its a post.
Well sadly I had no chance to turn into a pumpkin because my sister was tired and wanted to go home and I couldn't convince her to stay past 11. She said she would walk home but I couldn't let my baby sister walk home that late. But then we stayed up anyway and took more photos. And yes occasionally country towns have night life. Sure it usually centres around the pub but this time they put on a show. The bigger party-ers were the mother aged nurses I work with. I am a wimp who needs her sleep. I'm still tired. And I have now had two really big days at work so I am only just awake and its not even six. Sarah is sick so we are having home night with videos and burritos.