Tuesday, May 30, 2006

So these are some pics of my house. The quality is not the best cuz I took them with my phone but you can get the gist. We finally moved in this week. There was a few issues with getting furniture (particularly beds and a refrigerator) but finally I got to move out of the quarters a week and a half after we rented the house. I am still unpacking and setting up stuff but it is so great to have a house and a home to go to at the end of the day. And now we have the fun of making the house look and feel like a home. Sarah claimed decorative license on our bathroom and I believe I am going home to a chocolate brown and teal blue decorated bathroom. I have a few things that will add a bit of life to my bedroom and I am thinking I might find a few things that will compliment (as best you can) our kitchen. Its been so fun planning things for the house and getting to spread out over an entire house instead of just having one room. There were many pre-existing hooks on the walls which are now awaiting the hanging of hopefully many pictures and other wonderful things. We even have a spare room which will eventually be able to cater for visitors. I have two planned already and I think Sarah has a couple people in mind who will come exploring to our town as well. So the first pic is obviously of the outside of the house. The next 2 photos are different angles of our kitchen. The 4th photo is our (now) blue and chocolate brown bathroom. The last one is our laundry. I havent got any photos of the bedrooms but I will try to get one once they are furnished etc. I still have to get my bed and some other things sent from brisbane so once thats done then I will feel fully at home.

Friday, May 12, 2006


I googled for photos of where I live. Here is what I found. Next year I will be cultural and go to the biennial melon festival.

The main street, on the left is the library, cultural centre and cinema.

The highway through town

Should so will but thought about not

I thought that I should update seeing as I am home for a couple days and always have longer internet time when I'm home so I don't have to prioritise to do only the most important internet things. (I only have half an hour on the inter at the library). So I read my first post about Chinchi. I have changed a lot in the last four months. Eee! I have been a working nurse for 4 months. Maybe changes in life experiences always change who you are. Its awful to say but I am a lot harder than I was 4 months ago. How's that for honest on a usually light hearted blog?Sometime this job that I do and the hospital I do it at, takes your heart and soul, rips it out, slashes it up and leaves it on the sidewalk. I've been corrupted but all the mess going on around me. Not that I am trying to vent depression or anything. Cuz I actually feel pretty good and pretty positive about where life and work and stuff is at right now. I am working out how to be who I am when I am having a tough day at work and leaving work there and going home and living. Nursing, at times, makes you want to leave people on the sidewalk but I am learning to rise above work and not let work be me. So don't worry or anything, I am just letting thoughts spill out but I think it comes out more serious in written form than when I say it while laughing. Segue.
So Sarah and I start moving into our house on Tuesday. I am pretty excited to finally have a house to live in, 4 months after I moved out of home. I will try to post a photo soon but I have to type quick cuz Chloe will be home from work soon and we have fun stuff to do. Our house - a little 3 bedroom place, close to the main street, a really great price and we should be able to borrow most of the furnishings from random hospital people who keep coming up to us and offering us stuff for our house. Next segue.
It was Chloe's birthday yesterday. Ahh so fun. I sent her a post package stuffed with presents and random funny stuff which she opened the evening before her birthday because we both had to work in the morning and were too tired to wait up until midnight. And then I surprised her by driving home after work for her birthday dinner. Such a great day. I bought her Season 3 of Scrubs so we might have to watch that this arvo. Or at least some of it.
Anyway, its time to get on with the day. Comment up a storm. Have fun! Arrivederci